Just before we left, Lucy had started to demonstrate these mothering/nesting behaviours by taking shoes, toys, slippers into her bed and keeping a close eye on them. No chewing, just gathering up her 'babies' and watching them in her nest. This behaviour continued in ABQ, much to the chagrin of Jorge, my dad's little dog. Lucy collected all of his toys; foxy, chicken, piglet, hedgehog, and others and proceeded to nest in his bed. Jorge wasn't quite sure what to make of all this intrusion, so he did what he could - barked. All night. Hopefully he settled down now that he has his territory and toys back.
Lucy in Jorge's bed with Jorge's hedgehog, piglet, and owl. The freaky chipmunk with the disproportionately large head is the only toy/baby of Lucy's.
It was beautiful weather there and we hiked from the tram up the la Luz trail with the dog. She wasn't allowed on the tram to come down, so Rina, Lucy and I turned around at 1/2 way and Tom continued up to the top and took the tram down. This hike is excellent, and I would recommend it to anybody in the ABQ area. About 8.5-9.0 miles, it traverses 5 distinct zones as it ascends. The view from the ridge is phenomenal. It is a bit of a slog, but I am sure anybody could do it, especially knowing that you can take the tram on the way down (in itself worth a trip to Sandia Peak).