Monday, November 24, 2008

Seven Random Things

For the love. . .

Well (thanks to Miranda and Jodi) I've been "tagged" twice now and have this sense of duty to list 7 Random Things:

1. I'm actually considering swimming this winter so that I can do a sprint triathalon in May.
2. I have one tattoo (that I hope to remove some day).
3. I pass the slow hours at work with spider solitaire, and checking all of my friend's blogs.
4. I would like to go cross country skiing in Antarctica.
5. My favorite treat is caramel, hands down.
6. The news about the 52 pilot whales that died in Tasmania this weekend made my heart ache.
7. I love coming home to Lucy's excited greeting after a long day at work:)

I now tag:
Amy, Jen, Stacey, Dina, Megan, Susan and Eleri:)

Here are the rules once you've been tagged:
*Post the rules on your blog
*List 7 random things about yourself
*Tag 7 other people to do the same, pass along the tag

1 comment:

Jodi & Jeremy said...

Yes, cross country skiing in Antartica would be rather interesting...need a BIG snow suit for that one! Thanks for playing... :)