Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Leaving the yurt

Ethan and two members of his snowman family. He spent the better part of the day creating an entire snowman family - 6 members in all. I guess when you live in Atlanta, you get your fill of snow play when you can.

A group shot of the yurters before heading for home down the canyon. Ethan was begging to go sledding before he left the yurt, so we acquiesced and he got a 4.5 mile sled ride down the Millcreek road. He got a cold numb butt out of the deal and his excitement morphed into fear of rolling off the edge into the creek pretty shortly after we began. He was pretty gung-ho at the outset, letting everyone know that we were the fastest and comparing our sled speed to the fastest known land mammal - the cheetah!

Ethan, posing by the yurt.

All smiles as we cruised down the first steep section from the yurt.

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