Monday, May 26, 2008

Our weekend visitors

Geoff and his girlfriend, Chicago Rena, made the journey to Salt Lake City to hang out and celebrate the house centennial. On the Monday after the party we all took the short drive down to the Mount Timpanogos Cave National Monument in American Fork Canyon. Although the tour guide did not make a good first impression, having the four of us cringing in fear of too much interpersonal small talk and not enough cave information, she quickly turned around and made it a very interesting and informative tour. It was a luxury to be on the tour with just the four of us. The walk up to the caves is on a steep, but paved, mile and a half trail, and the caves are three linked caverns with many types of cave formations. It is most renowned for its 'cave coral'.

Rob & Rina in front of a tunnel that was created to facilitate the paved trail to the mouth of the cave.

The Heart of Timpanogos.

Geoff & Rob in the depths of the caves.

Geoff, Chicago Rena, Rob, and Utah Rina taking a break on the return walk from the caves.

1 comment:

samandmegan said...

dude, we totally loved timponogas cave when
we went. we're totally login' mexico, we should
all go soon...